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Gallery & Theater

1. High-speed Imaging

Ultra-high-speed photography based on an off-the-shelf CMOS camera reaches 1.5 million frames per second [Optics Letters 44, 1387 (2019)]

COSUP_animation            USAF_single pulse

World’s fastest camera glimpse laser pulses at 10 trillion frames per second [Light: Science & Applications 7, 42 (2018)]

 TCUP_Beamsplitting  TCUP_T focusing  TCUP_Sfocusing


First-ever video recording of an optical Mach cone using the lossless encoding CUP [Science Advances 3, e1601814 (2017)]


Single-shot CUP of fluorescence emission and pulse refraction [Nature 561, 74 (2014)]



Single-shot time-of-flight CUP of 3-D rotating balls [Scientific Reports 5, 15505 (2015)]test


2. Photoacoustic imaging

Random-access PAM of blood flow in real time [Optics Letters 38, 2683 (2013)]


3. Laser beam shaping

Dynamic laser beam shaping of Laguerre-Gaussian modes [Optical Engineering 51, 108201 (2012)]
dmd_bsScreen shot 2012-06-30 at 11.52.49 PM

4. Group Photos


2018/12/21 – 2018 Holiday Luncheon